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  • Reflection


    Mirror, mirror on the wall
    hold me tight, don't let me fall
    you stand there showing a reflection of me
    that's why sometimes I don't like what I see
    but you are the most honest thing there is
    impartial, nonjudgemental, neither hers nor his
    just an it, distorted only when hit
    or abused, unused, I'm often amused
    because the image you project is so very clear
    if you could speak I would lend you an ear
    and listen to what you said to me
    you could tell how much better I can be
    you could give me advice that I could trust
    definately, positively, help for this life is a must
    for me to follow to the simple tee
    above the rest is where I struggle to be
    but it's hard for a man to stop, slow down, look & listen
    it seems so easy to find the problem and put my fist in
    and then there are too many times I had the wrong things to say
    I knew this because my mirror lost her smile, turned, and walked away...

  • #2
    wow, thats sum deep shit alien, last 2 lines are a killer, like the mirror is not an actual mirror but your mirror image in a partner, your souls reflection, it could a lot of different things ti different people, truly exceptional piece of poetry, thank you for sharing
    Black eyes. Like a doll's eyes. When he comes at ya, he doesn't even seem to be livin'... until he bites ya, and those black eyes roll over white and then... ah then you hear that terrible high-pitched screamin
    Where blood has been shed the tree of forgiveness cannot grow


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