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Marvel Developing New Mystery TV Series with John Ridley

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  • Marvel Developing New Mystery TV Series with John Ridley

    Marvel is looking to expand their ABC universe with yet another TV series. We don't know exactly what the series will entail, but 12 Years a Slave writer and producer John Ridley is the guy working with the studio on it. He is also currently working on the drama American Crime.

    The news comes from EW, who describes the series as a reinvention of an existing Marvel superhero character or property. That's pretty much the extent of what we know. Everything else is left up to speculation, but when you're dealing with the Marvel universe, it could be anything.

    Last week, we learned that there was going to be an Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. spinoff series, but this is a completely different project. We don't really know much about that one either. Marvel's doing a good job keeping these projects a secret, but I'm sure the information will eventually leak, and all will be revealed in the near future.

    All I know is that Daredevil and Agent Carter set a new standard for what Marvel can do with a series, and hopefully the projects that the studio develop next will be able to stay up to those standards.
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