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WR Joshua Morgan Received Death Threats Follow On-Field Mistake

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  • WR Joshua Morgan Received Death Threats Follow On-Field Mistake

    The access Twitter and other social media has left the door wide open for celebs garnering criticism very easily... and even death threats. Washington Redskins receiver Joshua Morgan was on the receiving end of death threats this week, via Twitter, after his fourth-quarter blunder leading to a loss to the St. Louis Rams.

    He talked about the nastiness from fans on Wednesday (September 19), telling he never lets it get to him.

    "I heard everything, especially when they get you on Twitter and are sending you death threats and wishing you bad things and your firstborn," Morgan said. "You see it all, you hear it all. You never let it get to you, especially with me being from D.C. They treated me kind of like they did (San Francisco 49ers return man) Kyle Williams last year when he dropped a punt against the Giants."

    During the game, Morgan received an unsportsmanlike conduct penalty for throwing the ball at Cortland Finnegan. It cost the Redskins valuable field position during their final drive in Sunday's 31-28 defeat. Since then, Twitter has been rough on him. Despite how disturbing death threats through the Internet can be, he said he wasn't tempted to discontinue his Twitter account.

    "The only thing I take seriously is football and my family, and nothing really scares me," Morgan said.

    He's learned from his on-field mistake though. He will be fined, but it's unclear how much yet. He says he won't be throwing such a tantrum again. "Especially with coach Mike Shanahan," he said, "none of us are dumb enough to make the same mistake twice."
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