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Floyd Mayweather Sentenced To 90 Days In Jail For Domestic Violence Charge

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  • Floyd Mayweather Sentenced To 90 Days In Jail For Domestic Violence Charge

    While everyone awaits a possible super-fight between him and Manny Pacquiao, they may have to wait a bit longer, because Floyd Mayweather just received some jail time.

    The undefeated boxing champ was sentenced to 90 days in jail on Wednesday (December 21), after pleading guilty to a reduced battery domestic violence charge and no contest to two harassment charges, both stemming from an incident with ex-girl Josie Harris back in September 2010.

    During the incident, Mayweather allegedly punched her, pulled her hair, and twisted her arm while she screamed for their two children to call 9-1-1.

    According to, Mayweather is set to begin serving his sentence on January 6, and is likely to get out weeks early if he stays out of trouble.

    Mayweather has not commented on the situation as of press time.

    The jail time raises concerns about whether a possible showdown between Mayweather and Pacquiao can happen on May 5th, the date Floyd has chosen for his next fight. However, at the present moment, negotiations between the camps are yet to begin, says reports.

    The May 5th date has been reserved at the MGM Casino, against an as-yet unnamed opponent. But, if Mayweather is behind bars until the end of March, it could cut into the usual eight-plus weeks he takes to train.

    Stay tuned for more details...

    In addition to 90 days, Mayweather has been ordered to complete 100 hours of community service, pay a $2,500 fine, and complete a yearlong domestic violence counseling program.

    The plea deal was taken in exchange for a guilty plea on lesser charges. If the boxer didn't agree, he would have went to trial on a felony and misdemeanor, where he could've faced up to 34 years in prison if convicted on all counts.

    Mayweather is also expected to plead no contest next week to a separate misdemeanor harassment charge involving a 21-year-old homeowner association security guard, who was poked in the face during an argument about parking tickets placed on cars outside Mayweather's house.

  • #2
    He's and asshole!
    "You have enemies? Good, that means you stood up for something.”


    • #3
      Always thought he was a prick. Hope he meets some big dude named earl inside and he takes a shine to his asshole


      • #4
        or a cockmeat sandwich lol


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