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Kimbo Slice Knocks Out Tay Bledsoe In Second Pro-Boxing Fight

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  • Kimbo Slice Knocks Out Tay Bledsoe In Second Pro-Boxing Fight

    Kimbo Slice is back to his old, knocking motherf***ers out self.

    The former MMA fighter/backyard brawler entered the ring as a pro-boxer for the second time on Saturday night (October 15), and knocked out his opponent in Mike Tyson-like fashion.

    Slice (real name: Kevin Ferguson), 37, improved to 2-0 after Saturday's fight, following a quick first-round knockout of lesser-known Tay Bledsoe.

    Stalking his opponent, Kimbo ducked and slipped maybe three punches before dropping Bledsoe with a vicious right hook at the 1:52 mark, leaving him out cold on the canvas for several minutes before he was finally revived.

    While Kimbo did notch another win, his opponents are ... well, not much of opponents at all. Bledsoe has lost his last three boxing matches coming into Saturday's fight.

    However, it is good to see Kimbo giving us some entertaining knockouts, as he slowly moves along as a boxer, following a failed attempt at an MMA career ... where he left the sport with a 4-2 record.

    So far, he's stopped each of his boxing opponents in the first round.

    His debut came in August, during a bout against James Wade, finishing him with a right uppercut in the first.

    At press time, his immediate boxing plans were unknown.

    I want to see mayweather Vs. Slice
    Last edited by Vinnie P; 10-17-2011, 08:56 PM.

  • #2
    lol, bit off a difference in weight class, and 1 hell of a difference in boxing class, kimbos a bum fighting other bums
    Black eyes. Like a doll's eyes. When he comes at ya, he doesn't even seem to be livin'... until he bites ya, and those black eyes roll over white and then... ah then you hear that terrible high-pitched screamin
    Where blood has been shed the tree of forgiveness cannot grow


    • #3
      Indeed. Different weight class. Plus he's fighting chumps.
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