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Insane Trailer for DEAD SNOW 2: RED VS. DEAD

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  • Insane Trailer for DEAD SNOW 2: RED VS. DEAD

    Dead Snow 2: Red Vs. Dead premiered up at the Sundance Film Festival, and I've been hearing a lot of positive buzz. I have yet to see it myself, but judging from this crazy trailer it looks insane. Now I'm even more excited to watch it! I really enjoyed the first film, and the sequel looks like it going to be even more gleefully deranged. Here's the synopsis...

    If the worst day of your life consisted of accidentally killing your girlfriend with an axe, chain-sawing your own arm off, and watching in horror as your closest friends were devoured by a zombified Nazi battalion, you'd have to assume that things couldn't get much worse. In Martin's case, that was only the beginning.

    Picking up immediately where the original left off, Dead Snow; Red vs. Dead wastes no time getting right to the gore-filled action, leaving a bloody trail of intestines in its wake. Director Tommy Wirkola returns to the helm with a vengeance, coming up with more inventive ways to maim and dismember than you ever thought possible. Combining wry humor with horrific worst-case scenarios, this follow-up to the 2009 Park City at Midnight classic is sure to shock the weak-of-heart and delight even the most hard-core fans of the horror genre. Colonel Herzog is back, and he is not to be fucked with.

    The movie is set to be released on February 14th, the perfect Valentine's Day date movie!

  • #2
    Hmm i enjoyed the first movie. Not sure about this tho. Doesnt look similar to the first part, except for the zombies.


    • #3
      yeah, looks totally different than part 1 ...maybe I'll watch part 2 one day but at the moment I'm not interested
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