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CAPTAIN AMERICA 3 Writer Wants to See Modok in Future Marvel Films

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  • CAPTAIN AMERICA 3 Writer Wants to See Modok in Future Marvel Films

    Captain America: The Winter Soldier to develop Captain America 3. That team includes directors Anthony and Joe Russo, as well as screenwriters Christopher Markus and Stephen McFeely. They have a great handle on these characters and, like the rest of us fans, they have other comic characters that they'd like to see introduced into Marvel's cinematic universe. In a recent interview with SFX, McFeely amusingly admits that Modok is one of those characters!

    "I want to put Modok into something, but you can’t just drop a giant floating head in! It’s not like, ‘Oh, we have to go talk to this guy – there’s something I should tell you about him first…’ [laughs]. Suddenly the whole movie needs to take on that structure in order to accommodate him. I never win that fight!"

  • #2
    I'd like to see a CA3 also, but Modok??? Might be kind of hard to sell that idea!


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