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Phantom Pages

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  • Phantom Pages

    This started yesterday, making a thread to see if it's just me, or if everyone is getting it.

    I've noticed on threads that get to several pages have some sort of glitch where it says, for example, that there's 2 pages ahead, but when you click on them, they refresh the page you're on because they don't actually exist.

    Latest example just happened, I posted in the "What Are You Watching" thread and it showed 2 more pages after my fresh post, but there isn't 2 more pages at all.

  • #2
    Yeah I noticed this shit too. I locked myself in my room since then cuz I thought that I was going crazy and was gonna pull a Jeffery Dahmer on somebody.


    • #3
      I got that too.


      • #4
        this is related to something I am testing on the site and will be announcing soon. i started testing yesterday but forgot to run a certain maintenance script that was required to run before testing this feature. the script has been run now and the problem should not occur again. if it does, please post again in this section

        sorry to be so vague but I havent fully tested yet and am not ready to announce the feature

        thanks Pontius Pilate for making this thread or i might not have known about it for much longer


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