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MIGHTY NO. 9 Scores a Mighty $4 Million from Crowdfunding

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  • MIGHTY NO. 9 Scores a Mighty $4 Million from Crowdfunding

    Mighty No. 9, the spiritual successor to Mega Man, closed its Kickstarter campaign with just over $4 million in the bank. The highly successful crowdfunding campaign blew past all of the stretch goals, bringing more stages, more consoles, more game modes (such as a boss rush and co-op challenge mode), support characters, and even a "making of" documentary!

    As it stands now, Mighty No. 9 will be released on (deep breath) PC, MAC, Linux, PS3, Xbox 360, Wii U, PS4, Xbox One, PS Vita, and 3DS. Basically everything. This is no small task by any means, but hopefully comcept USA is up to the task. The outpouring of support was really no surprise, since many people feel like Capcom has squandered the ownership of one of the most loved platforming IPs of all time, comcept is being praised as a hero by revitalizing it (at least in spirit).

    Mighty No. 9 obviously looks very similar to Mega Man, including the character design, boss structure, and the ability to gain powers from the bosses you defeat, but I don’t really mind. I love the Mega Man X games and this seems to be a far more loyal sequel than some of the later X games themselves... We're looking at you, Mega Man X7.

    Development of the game is well on its way, and a video of Mighty No. 9 running in the unreal engine was released recently.

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